Rohingya As A Lesson Learned


We are entering the borderless world in the era of XXI age. This era is so called of technology of information and communication (TIC). In this era, all information we can follow every day from any media and from any sources of information from over the world. We can learned from a wise word that “all places are schools, all people are teachers, and all books are knowledge.” Did you remember with this wise word? Do you agree with this statement? That is OK. Thank you very much for your pure attention to this writing process.

In this short writing, the author want to tell the reader about an Islamic ethnic namely ROHINGYA. The ROHINGYA is an ethnic group in a nation state of MEYANMAR. We called this nation is also BURMA. In history we learned about BURMA and other countries in the South East Asian countries. Did you remember that all countries? Indonesia is the nation state in the region of South East Asian Nations. So, actually geographically and also sociologically all nation states in South East Asian Nations are the neighbor countries. So, the nation states are one family. We are family exactly. We are family with all countries in all over the world. Do you agree with this? We are family not because of the same geographic and sociologic conditions, but more than because the same religion of Islam.

We are happy because have have a lovely country like Indonesia. So we call our lovely country of Indonesia. A great Indonesian singer, Koes Plus, sing a song nicely.”Bukan lautan tapi kolam susu.” Not the ocean but the pool of milk. Please do sing the great song for the great of Indonesian nation state.

Indonesia has the national motto BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA. It is the so called a UNITY IN DIVERSITY, the same precisely like with the United States motto. In Indonesian language we called PERSATUAN DALAM PERBEDAAN. The motto was written in Sanskrit language, and is adopted for the Garuda Pancasila. In our history, it was stated that Indonesia is a democratic country and a pluralistic country. This country has more than 300 regional and ethnic society and cultural differentiation in many aspects. We are the pluralistic nation in ideology-politic-economic-social-culture. We call this as “Pancagatra.”

Back to the problem of ROHINGYA minority in MEYANMAR I want to explain that Islamic people is the minority in MEYANMAR. Unfortunately, the minority has no power in many aspects, especially in economic aspect.  For this time, the ROHINYA Islamic people were killed in ROHINGYA for many reasons. They know that they have actually family as neighboring nation as a big family with the biggest Muslim population in the world, but they know that the family is still as the poor neighbor. They do not have power, even in the aspect of politic or economy is a big power. So the people of ROHINGYA do not want to have a help to the neighborhood. These conditions we can see in ROHINGYA were very pity. We can see from YouTube and many sources of media, many people from ROHINGYA are killed, both of men and women, children and adults. They were killed sadistically. There were no people from all over the world help the ROHINGYA. The ROHINGYA is our Islamic family. But we cannot do anything. We have the harsh conditions. From video sent by the social media, we can see that army, police, and even the people of ROHINGYA themselves, were expelled them from their homeland. Oh, God Almighty, please do blessed the Muslim ROHINGYA. We learned that Islamic minority in many places are pressed, trampled upon, but the non-Muslim minorities in Indonesia instead given power, and can doing anything freely.

For the closure of this short writing, the author wants to write a very short conclusion, such as:

  1. Human being is the highest level of the best creations.
  2. We are created as the pluralistic, for we have joint and working together with a freedom and wisdom. Remember, life is a gift, but a freedom is a responsibility.
  3. For that freedom, the people have the freedom to shout the voice. The voice of the people is the right of the people.
  4. Do not pretend to be blind and deaf to hear the God’s voice.
  5. For the contextual of Muslim Rohingya, we have to use as a lesson learned for every human being.


“all places are schools, all people are teachers, and all books are knowledge.” semua tempat adalah sekolah, semua orang adalah guru, dan semua buku adalah ilmu pengetahuan.
but freedom is a responsibility tapi kebebasan adalam satu tanggung jawab
do not pretend to be blind and deaf jangan pura-pura buta dan tuli
highest level level tertinggi
human being mahluk manusia
in this era, all information we can follow every day from any media and from any sources of information from over the world. dalam era ini, semua informasi dapat kita ikuti setiap hari dari macam-macam media dan macam-macam sumber informasi dari seluruh dunia
joint and working together bersatu danbekerja sama bersama
lesson learned pelajaran yang dipelajari
life is a gift kehidupan adalah anugerah
pancagatra lima aspek: idelogi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya.
pluralistic nation state banga dan negara yang pluralistic
pure attention perhatian yang murni
the best creation ciptaan terbaik
the borderless world dunia tanpa batas
the era is the so called od technology of information and communication era teknologi dan komunikasi (tik)
the era of xxi age era abad xxi
the god’s voice suara tuhan
wise word? kata bijak

*) Laman:; Surel:; MASDIK.COM.

Depok, 2 Desember 2016.


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